
The Heartland team provides a comprehensive training workshop in various lengths and in-depth training modules for perinatal service providers including OBGYNS, physicians, pediatricians, case managers, nurses, social workers, counselors and therapists, advocates, and other front-line staff members in  hospitals and hospital systems and community organizations like shelters, city health systems, county health departments, community mental health centers, and clinics.

Our services and pricing for small groups

(large group pricing is available upon request):

60-90 minutes for staff lunch/happy hour* $1200
Half day* (four-hour training) $3500
Whole day (eight-hour training)* $7500
Consulting engagements (an office/practice)* $2000
*$15/pp for workbook

The Heartland team can go in-depth by assessing your department or practice in a specific area. We take you through a one-hour consultation during which you describe your current service delivery system and evaluate your current proficiency in the HEARTland Protocol and advise how to remediate the gaps. We then design a 2-hour module where we dive deep into that topic and help you form systems and processes to get that core component up to speed. This is followed up with a 6-month, 30-minute, post-engagement in-person or virtual check-in to see how you’ve progressed.

Interested in learning more, but not quite ready to commit? We offer free 30-minute overviews to practices, health systems, and other organizations at no cost.

We offer virtual as well as in-person private training options (discounts available for non-profit organizations). The in-person private training option requires additional fees specific to mileage / travel / per diem / printed workbooks.

*Please note: a deposit is required to hold your spot and full payment is due 30 days prior to the training.

We’ve trained top health care & maternal mental health companies!