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Using Best Practices to Serve Perinatal People Affected by Postpartum Mood and Anxiety Disorders (PMAD)

The way society views “modern motherhood” is hurting moms and families. Perinatal experts Elizabeth Stallone-Lowder MSW, LCSW and Kim Martino-Sexton BA, M.Ed will train participants on the importance of utilizing their proprietary “Heartland Protocol” for Perinatal mood and anxiety disorders (PMADs) developed after almost 40 years of combined experience in the field of perinatal mental health. Implementing the Heartland Protocol with your client population will help identify, treat and can prevent PMAD. Learn how to spot red flags earlier and make a real difference in the lives of your clients. This protocol features evidence-based practices and involves in-depth learning and experiential exercises related to better understanding PMADs in regards to assessment, referral practices and appropriate follow-up care. Important factors emphasized throughout this training are racial disparities in healthcare, compassion fatigue prevention, and mindfulness for clients and providers alike. This training is designed to ultimately benefit moms in the perinatal lifestage as well as their families by equipping professionals with evidence-based tools and skills with a focus on clinical concepts such as containment, empathy, destigmatizing mental health, holding space as well as a person-centered approach. Professionals who specialize in PMAD are encouraged to attend as well as ANY care provider who works directly with women, parents and families.

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